Step Ahead

This programme is for young people excluded or vulnerable to school exclusion, or are in transition between school placements, because they: threaten violence or aggression; have been caught carrying weapons or are involved in knife crime; are involved in, or at risk of criminal exploitation or involvement in gangs; are at risk of involvement in the justice system.
Step Ahead works to keep young people engaged in mainstream education provision.
The programme complements formal education with on-site school based delivery (off-site delivery is available where required, including home visits).
Our intervention is personalised and offers targeted support, education and mentoring, delivered by our trained coaches, and qualified and experienced staff via 1:1 work with a young person (or group-work as appropriate), and partner agencies.
We work with your pupils and staff in addition to educating families to support their children. We meaningfully capture and respond to the voice of the child; share and communicate identified needs in the context of wider care planning; plan and implement bespoke programmes of personal and social education; make referrals; contribute to Personal Education Plans & TAF; support pupils in transition; measure the impact with your staff and pupils; and report outcomes to you and our commissioners..
Bury Schools Offer
We have some fully funded places available on our Step Ahead programme for pupils in Bury high schools. If you have a pupil to refer please complete our Referral

Head of Year (SB, Bury)
STEP AHEAD is a referral only programme.
We accept referrals from:
- Schools
- Social Workers
- Youth Offending Teams
- Probation/Police Services
Our Success Stories
Project Impact
Jay (aged 13)
Young person (aged 16)
pupils trained this academic year in emergency first aid for knife woundings/bleed out injuries
families engaged & educated regarding County Lines, Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and gang behaviour between September 1st - March 31st 2022, working to keep children safe
Book This Programme
Contact our delivery team, we are looking forward to talking to you
All our work is trauma informed, complies with safeguarding best practice and follows NYA COVID-19 guidance for Youth Spaces.